Saturday, May 13, 2017

Mother's day waiting at the corner only 1 day left at Thai New York Spa1 718 932 0999

Mother's day waiting at the corner. Let make your mom have a wonderful weekend at Thai New York SPa 1 718 932 0999

Make your mom feel comfortable like she always good take care of you. You were always there for me if I was sick or had a bad dream, or needed help with my homework. 
Let do something special for your mom and let us share the good moment with special treatment at Thai New York Spa. Happy Mother's Day, and thank you.
SPECIAL PROMOTION for.. your lovely Mom

60 min Massage plus 70 min Facial only $155
60 min Couple Massage for only $149
50 min Lipo-Light Treatment for only $80 
We also accepted Spa Finder!